Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lunch, will I do it, or fail?

Well, failing isn't and option but it's still so easy to do. So it's lunch, now what? Well, I'm supposed to drink a shake, and I have to say I have a headache. I am sure it's because my body is actually enjoying something healthy and detoxing from the crap it's used to. No Dr. Pepper, no high fat foods. Just a healthy wonderful Vi Shake and water is all my body has had today.

So do I create a shake the same as the one I had for breakfast or do I do something different? I have no clue. All I know is I am getting hungry and I am getting nervous. The kids ate breakfast late,so they are not ready for lunch yet but will I be able to handle fixing them lunch without nibbling on the food? Ugggg, why does this have to be so hard?

So off to the kitchen to fix me up a shake. Be back soon to let you know what kind I had.

Ok I'm back almost an hour later. But I'm sitting here drinking a Almond Joy Shake again. I have to say it was harder than I thought. You see Sunday I grilled hamburgers and there was some left over. I saw them sitting in the refrigerator and started to make me a big juicy hamburger. But I reached for my almond milk instead and told myself I could do this and did it.

I guess there is one good thing about me when it comes to diets. If I drink a shake, I am scared to death to eat anything after that because I am so afraid I will turn into super moose and gain weight at a fast pace. I know they tell people who are underweight to drink a shake with their food so since I am not underweight, (that would be nice) I figured weight gain is not part of my 90 day program so let's drink a shake and leave it at that.

My hard part will be afternoon and evening. That's usually when I eat food like a camel drinking water. You know just before they go into the desert on a long trip. You might think I am in a contest for who can eat the most junk in one night. Hey! Ho! I would win. That's ok, you can keep the super eater trophy for someone else. I would rather have hottest body trophy instead.

So I will go, I'm going to enjoy sipping my shake and imagine my new hot body so I keep sipping and not think of the juicy hamburger in there. Oh wait, I should say that high fat gross, greasy hamburger that's going to ad to my fat rolls hamburger. Yeah that makes it better. Probably be about 500 calories and 50 grams of fat.

I have an even better idea. I will think of my hamburger as 1 pound of fat. And here's a picture to help me do it.

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