Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dinner and a....I can't say it!

Well, I am sad to report, that dinner came around, and I did not do as good as I had hoped. I was so hungry by the time it got here I wanted to eat the house. I went to the grocery store, did not buy any candy, I was very proud of myself for that, well wait I bought doughnuts. (for the kids of course....yeah right)

THen the kids begged me for KFC. Well, ok maybe if I bought food then it would be easier for me rather than cook it. Nope, the smell all the way home of KFC made me want to rip into that box of chicken like a cat with rabies. It smelled so good. I was so hungry. So I thought it's ok Wendy, just eat a small piece, and a little fixens and you will be ok. So I got a breast, pulled off the skin, a small scoop of potatoes, and mac and cheese, a biscuit, and I made some sweet peas for myself thinking since they were low in calories if I ate that I could fill up more on those than the fattening stuff.

I ate, I ate slow, I enjoyed every mouth watering bite that went into my mouth. It was so good.

After I cleaned my plate, and yes I all but licked my plate, I decided maybe just a few bites more.

Not too bad, I guess.

I still drank 2 shakes, did not break it once during the day, and probably had just a few too many calories and fat grams at night. But hey, I'm not going to put myself down too much, I mean I used to eat probably 5000 calories a day, so keeping it below 2000 I think is pretty good.

Now I can't lie beacause I promised myself if I was going to do this blog I would be honest with those reading it and myself.

Remember the doughnuts? Well, I never could find them after we got home. I just wanted a bite. I actually think I could have taken a bite and been done. But no, the doughnuts disappeared. Well the heck did they go? I searched the van, the kitchen, the kids room. I wanted a bite of doughnut and the doughnuts could not be found. You would have thought I had just lost one of my kids the way I was searching through the house for this little box of chocolate doughnuts. I threatened the kids if they took them and did not tell me where they were, I called the store to see if the guy forgot to put them in my buggy. I was losing my mind over a sill doughnut.

Well, a very nice friend of mine decided that since he had heard of my heartache of losing my doughnuts, he would surprise me with a dozen Krispy Kreme Chocolate Glazed Doughnuts. I guess I forgot to tell him I was trying to be on a diet. Well, I could not be mean, so I gladly accepted the doughnuts for my children sake. They were so upset when we could not find the ones from the grocery store. Yeah right! The kids wanted a doughnut but when they went missing they went on about their business. Unlike their mommy who went into stupid mode for chocolate.

Well if your wondering did I eat one before going to bed. Yeah I did, I ate 2. bad me. I know. But I feel good about today, and I am ready for the challenge.

I'm taking baby steps today and going to try my best to do it just right. All I know is I gotta get some fruit.

I guess it's breakfast, so off to the kitchen to make a shake. What kind shall I make? I will be back to share later.

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